Thursday, March 6, 2008

Crow Food

We have crows living near us. Not sure exactly where they roost--I think a few blocks away, near open fields. I have been interested in them since the day two wrestled over a frosted toaster pastry in my front yard. It had been dropped by one of the kids, and was soon discovered by birds. The crows showed up and smaller birds flew off.

Curiously, they did not care for the frosting, but instead turned it over and pecked at the plain side. Then, with about a third of it left, one tried to fly with it. It took three attempts, but he finally managed to get in the air, taking the pastry remnant to a nearby tree, remaining there until rain dissolved it later in the day.

Now I leave all sorts of food scraps for them, just for the fun of watching them interact with it. They love dry dog food and cat food, and these, from what I've read, are nutritionally appropriate for them. More so than french fries anyway. Hardboiled eggs, in the shell, are another big hit--they will either rip off the shell with their claws and devour the insides, or else poke a small hole and carry it off in their beak. I've also watched one or two merely roll the egg around, play with it and not eat it.

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